Dive into Fall 2024


Top Caliber Volleyball 4x4 Dive Into Fall Volleyball Tournament


Come out and support Top Caliber Volleyball in our Fall Fundraiser!  


When: November 16th, 2024

Where: Ayden Grifton High School

Admission: $5  Ages 10 and up


  • BBQ Chicken Plates, drinks, t-shirts, and small concessions will be available.  Plates will be ready at 12 pm. If you would like to pre-order, send us an email at topcalibervolleyball@gmail.com or fill out this Google Form! Pre Orders can be paid for through Venmo @TopCaliberVolleyball. Plates are $10 each.  Plates that are not pre ordered are first come, first served.

  • 2 Divisions for Tournament Play: Middle School and Junior/Adult.  The tournament is Coed, but each team must have at least one female.

  • Registration is open online. Each individual participant needs to sign up in order to sign our participation waiver. Cost is $35 per participant.

  • When registering, if the athlete already has a predetermined team, please note the team members in the box on registration page.

  • Participants who want to participate, but do not have a team, or enough team members, please reach out to us at topcalibervolleyball@gmail.com, or register, and note this in the team member box.  We will help fill in teams! 


This is a non-coaching event.  We welcome cheering, but no coaching players!

  1. The team not playing will keep score and line judge.

  2.  Pool Play -  1 set to 21. 

  3.  Bracket Play-  After pool play, teams will be ranked based on wins/loses and point percentages.          Bracket Play will be 1 set to 21.

  4. All teams are guaranteed 3-4 matches.

  5.  Rock, paper, scissors will determine who gets first serve.

  6. Timeouts - There are no timeouts allowed

  7.  Position Rotations are not required, however all players must serve in a serving order

  8.  Anyone can block, switch as needed as long as a serving order is followed.

  9.  Touching the net and/or crossing the center line under the net is a violation.  Disputes should be replayed. TCVC coaches will be overall referees. 

  10. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.

  11. There is no uniform for this event.  Athletes can wear whatever t-shirt they would like.

  12. Teams are capped at 4 but if there are uneven numbers, teams of 3 will be allowed.

  13. Winners in the Gold division will receive gift cards and a medallion. Winners in the Silver division will receive medallions.